Local action on climate change
Green Meadows is working with local people to build a community, through practical learning, training and advice, to act together on climate change.
Upcoming events
For more information, click here to head to our events page!
Meadows residents will be meeting every 1st Saturday of the month at Bridgeway Centre (precinct) to spread some love across the Meadows by litterpicking, planting flowers, growing veg, and adding splashes of colour to the streets.
We are looking for teenagers aged 16-18 to join FROMTHEGROUNDUP for two build a sponge city planter sessions, with dates to be confirmed.
Join us for a bike repair workshop, covering general maintenance checks, changing and repairing inner tubes! Followed by a free hot lunch.
Join us and have a go at installing wood fibre boards, to insulate the internal walls of your home.
Develop basic DIY plumbing skills through hands-on experience, gaining the confidence to complete basic plumbing jobs at home.
In this DIY skills workshop you will make your very own birdbox to take home. You will learn how to use common hand tools and power tools safely and with confidence, using tools such as a mitre & circular saw.
Join us and have a go at installing wood fibre boards, to insulate the internal walls of your home.
Join us and have a go at installing wood fibre boards, to insulate the internal walls of your home.
Join us for a bike repair workshop, focusing on fixing brakes and chains. Followed by a free hot lunch.
Develop basic DIY plumbing skills through hands-on experience, gaining the confidence to complete basic plumbing jobs at home.
Our experienced Tradesperson will guide you through the basics and help you gain confidence in using a variety of tools.
Develop basic DIY plumbing skills through hands-on experience, gaining the confidence to complete basic plumbing jobs at home.
Learn about the benefits of tickle vents and the importance of ventilation when retrofitting homes, and how to install them yourself.
In this DIY skills workshop you will make your very own birdbox to take home. You will learn how to use common hand tools and power tools safely and with confidence, using tools such as a mitre & circular saw.
Learn about the benefits of tickle vents and the importance of ventilation when retrofitting homes, and how to install them yourself.
Join us and have a go at installing wood fibre boards, to insulate the internal walls of your home.
Here’s what we’ve been up to
Issue #7 of Voices is now LIVE!
Take a look at what we’ve been up to, and see how you can get involved.
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