May 2024

From cinema to cycling, Green Meadows has been blooming with lots of fun learning opportunities throughout the community over the past month.

Continue reading to find out more.

First Historic Cycling Tour of the Meadows

This month we took part in our first-ever historical bike tour of the Meadows which was led by the amazing team at Zig Zag Tours - experts on Nottingham history.

We spent the evening exploring the rich history of the Meadows area. Our leisurely bike tour showed us how the area has developed over time and gave a glimpse into the history of Nottingham.

The sun came out, and everyone had a great time seeing all the beautiful historical secrets the Meadows have to offer!

It was such a huge success - we can’t wait to host another. To see upcoming events please click here.

Our Free Plastering Workshops Were a Hit!

Last month we hosted 10 practical plastering workshops where Meadows residents got to have a go at applying lime plaster onto bare brick walls with the guidance of industry experts.

As well as learning practical skills, residents also learnt about the benefits of lime plaster such as it being breathable and absorbing moisture, making it particularly suitable for older buildings just like the Victorian houses in the Meadows conservation area.

This experience was ideal for applying the new skills and techniques learnt to a real-life setting – all while meeting other people who are also interested in DIY. Residents of all age ranges and skill sets attended, and everyone said they had learnt something new!

Thank you to all who attended, we hope you had as much fun as we did!

The events sold out so quickly! We are hoping to host some more soon. If you missed out, keep an eye on our events page to see all our upcoming workshops.

Primary Schools Take on Great Big Green Week!

Next week is Great Big Green Week and our local primary schools have been celebrating by hosting events and creating new green spaces.

Victoria Primary School have been working on a new community garden outside the school gates. This will contain herbs and produce for pupils, parents, and the local residents to use. So far, the pupils have designed a leaflet and spoken to the residents in the area about it. Keep an eye out as planters will hopefully start being installed next week and filled with community compost and plants in the next few weeks.

Greenfields Community School will also be celebrating by hosting a Great Big Green Wednesday organised by members of their PTA. Activities will be available from 3:15 pm to parents and pupils of Greenfields to help keep the local area nicer under the motto of ‘love the Meadows, love the planet.’ This will include litter picking, seed sculpture making, and a display of recycled crafts made by Greenfield’s Eco Council. In aid of this, The Vat and Fiddle are kindly collecting empty crisp packets which will be turned into decorations.

Climate Action Cinema Club Starts Up!

This month we also hosted our first trip to Mammoth, a Climate Action Cinema in Nottingham City Centre. We got the tram together from the Meadows and made our way to the tiny cinema on Broad Street to watch two short films. 

First, ‘Regenerating Australia’ reimagines what Australia could look like in 2030 based on interviews with diverse groups of people sharing their hopes and dreams for their country. 

This film really got the group thinking about new ideas they hadn't considered before such as feeding livestock with seaweed to reduce carbon emissions and coming up with better ways of governance and decision-making with the community at its centre, like a Climate Assembly.

Then we watched ‘We The Power’ which explored the idea of our communities owning the energy we use, and we couldn't agree more! We discussed local examples of community owned energy. For example, the Meadows Library and Primary Schools have community-owned solar panels, thanks to Green Meadows' partner organisation, Meadows Ozone Energy Services.

Keep an eye out for more free cinema trips by clicking here.

The Growing Group Came Together to Invite New People to Join

The Meadows Growing Group is a community-led project that provides a space for people to learn how to grow things such as fruits and vegetables in an allotment. They have recently started hosting events encouraging new people to join their community!

No experience is required, just a desire to get stuck in. There are still introductory events happening, where you can experience what gardening in an allotment is like, speak to members, and explore being part of a part of a thriving community of plant lovers.

To see upcoming events, please click here.

To learn more about the growing group, please click here.

To keep in touch with us, you can sign up to our monthly newsletter here for the latest news and events.


June 2024


Green Meadows Voices #6 - Spring 2024