Ideas Fund
What is it?
The Ideas Fund is a key element of the Green Meadows project, aiming to support grassroots community groups and individuals to tackle climate change locally.
Arthur, a GM Picnic volunteer, showing others how to build a solar oven
Who is it for?
Your group or organisation does not need to be focused on climate action or sustainability to be eligible – anyone can apply, whether you are a passionate individual, an art group, a mental health organisation or a sports team. We can all play a role in growing our community’s understanding of climate change to help reduce our impact on the planet.
Talks. Organise an event inviting experts to talk on a subject you care about.
Workshops. Organise a workshop on a skill that helps people be more sustainable (sewing, repairing, etc).
Start a climate cafe engaging people in conversation around energy and climate change.
Community cinema, screening climate change films or documentaries.
Art projects or exhibitions
Making a leaflet or poster to help people save energy or reduce waste at home.
Run a swap shop.
How do I apply?
Just get in touch and Heather, our Community Engagement Officer will meet you to discuss further!