Green Meadows Community

What is the Green Meadows Community?

The Green Meadows Community is Meadows residents and organisations who want to find local solutions to global issues, helping their community and the planet.

Their initiatives will have a lasting impact on the area, inspiring others to act and paving the way towards a greener future.

Take a look at the community initiatives that are already happening!

Green Meadows Community groups:

The Butterfly Project

Hedgehog Highway

Why join the Green Meadows Community?

Everyone has different reasons for wanting to join, and we want you to get what you want and need out of this experience.

Here are some reasons:

Learn new skills

Meet new people

Make change happen in your community

Do your bit for the planet

Challenge yourself

What you will gain

Join a team of local residents who are motivated to make change. Trying to do something positive for your commmunity is much easier with a supportive network of people who share your ambitions.

Get financial support to cover any equipment, room hire or other costs, that are necessary to get your project off the ground.

Training sessions where you will gain the confidence and skills to get started, with people who have set up similar community projects locally and nationally.