Meadows Growing Group

Looking for people wanting to start a growing revolution in the Meadows

Upcoming sessions...

Tuesday 24th September

6pm - 8pm

at the Climate Hub, Turney Street

Autumn and winter planning!

Harvest meal included!

Tuesday 22nd October

6pm - 8pm

at the Climate Hub, Turney Street

Have a go at pickling!

Harvest meal included!

Tuesday 26th November

6pm - 8pm

at the Climate Hub, Turney Street

Have a go at fermentation!

Harvest meal included!

Saturday 12th October

9.30am - 12.30

at the Growing Group Allotment

Community allotment session!

Tools provided, bring gloves if you have them!

Saturday 9th November

9.30am - 12.30

location tbc

Planting session!

Tools provided, bring gloves if you have them!

Saturday 7th December

9.30am - 12.30

at the allotment/ in the Meadows

Apple and pear tree pruning!

Tools provided, bring gloves if you have them!

Meet the Meadows

Growing Group!

Learn about growing food together, share ideas, and of course, the harvest!

The group of volunteers meets regularly but no commitment is required. Sessions vary depending on the season but can include planting, sowing, weeding, DIY, and harvesting. There's a task for everyone, come try it out!

About the Meadows Growing Group

The Meadows Growing Group is an initiative started by Hannah, a Meadows resident and Green Meadows Climate Champion. Hannah wanted to share the skills and joys of growing fruit and vegetables and delicious harvest meals with her community.

The group’s next step is to bring what they have learnt at their allotment to green spaces around the Meadows to create a neighbourhood food forest, inspired by their trip to Incredible Edible in Todmorden!

Once you sign up, we will contact you with meeting arrangements and location details.

Please note some sessions are in the Meadows and some are at the allotment. The allotment is not accessible to wheelchair users due to uneven ground and there are currently no facilities on site.